Saturday, August 9, 2014

Evil is Good and Good is Evil

Isaiah said, "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!"

The world is outraged at Israel, who is defending itself from hundreds of daily rocket attacks.  The world sympathizes with Hamas, who, along with the rest of the Muslim world, mutilates and tortures their women and treats them considerably worse than animals.  Hamas is holding their own women and children hostage in live combat!  They deliberately place their rocket launchers in schools and hospitals!

How would we react if a bank robber hid behind his own wife and child while he was shooting at the police?  "Oh, that poor persecuted bank robber!"  Would we blame the police for the bank robber's actions?

How would we have reacted during World War II if 2 million U.S. soldiers had forced their families to go with them into battle in Europe and the Pacific?  No soldier ever deliberately endangers non-combatants - they are fighting to protect those who are not soldiers.  Only the criminally insane think otherwise.

These people are evil!  Their terrorist attacks caused enough International pressure that they were given Gaza.  The first thing they did after being given Gaza was to destroy all of the existing houses there!  Then everyone is appalled at how poor their living conditions are!  Whose fault is that?  They can't be trusted to have a job.  They can't even be trusted to walk down the street with normal people. 

As a Christian, I believe in compassion and forgiveness.  But the Apostle Paul cautions against blind forgiveness.  He cautions against restoration without reformation.  He says that there are some who should be turned away without forgiveness.

Jesus pointed out that a man who knew his house was going to be robbed would be ready to repel the attack.  We are forbidden to murder - it is generally considered to be the worst possible sin and crime.  But we are not forbidden to kill in our defense or in the defense of others.  Jesus never condemned government police or soldiers for doing their jobs, he just told them to do their jobs honestly without corruption.  It is the purpose of a State to protect its citizens - not to use them for political proposes. 

These Muslim groups are terrorists.  Terrorists are evil.  Evil has no legitimate claim to existence.  It must be wiped out whenever possible.

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