Monday, January 2, 2012

Creativity is still alive

For several years, I was field service technician responsible for all of the Levolor Blind cutting machines in all of the Lowes stores in Georgia (about 40 stores).

This was the most incredible little machine.  It had a hydraulic shear at one end, and a servo controlled saw at the other end.  It was all controlled by a PLC.  It all fit in a case on giant drawer slides that slid back into one pallet rack bay in the store.  And it was pretty enough and safe enough for the women in the blind department to use.  The venetian blind cuts had to be clean enough to be 'like new'.

As soon as the blades began leaving even the slighted burr on the aluminum top or bottom rails, they had to be changed.

They FedExed me the blade every time!  For a while, they were even paying to FedEx the dull one back.  Then when Rubbermaid bought Irwin, they could get them for about $15 dollars, so they didn't want them back any more.

40 stores about every 3 months for about 3 years.  40 x 4 x 3 = 3 or 4 hundred.

I haven't been able to throw them away.  I know there must be something really neat to do with them.  Finally,  I asked a forum called the Tinker's Guild, "What can I do with 3 or 4 hundred 10" Carbide saw blades?"

I was looking for the kind of guy's creativity that results in monster trucks or bowling ball shooting cannons - just because you can.  .  I loved this answer so much, I had to share it with the world:

by "Someone"

Really wide Dado blade?
Big planer setup?
ULTIMATE Ultimate Frisbee
Fido want to play fetch?
Fully automatic sawblade thrower? (Actually, by modifying a auto skeet thrower...)
Tie 'em on strings and hang them up for Halloween?
Cover the car in saw blades and take it to the Art Car Parade?
For the above, flat for driving around, upright for driving around aggressively?
Tell a friend he's won slightly dull sawblades for life?
Using a transfer printer, write your letters on them and send them through the mail?
As above, but in color for your Christmas cards?
Print what you really think about various Congressmen on them, then mail it to them?
Wallpaper in the shop?
Get a small, cheap file cabinet, put them in it, and label the drawers "Sawblades"? Friends will know you have OCD.
Get a van, put in a speaker playing "Pop goes the Weasel", and drive around new subdivisions selling them to construction crews?
Mail them to the guy on the Muppet show who throws fish, and tell him he needs to upgrade his act?

Need any more?

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