My mama never told me to be a simple man,
She just told me to get good grades
So I wouldn’t have to dig ditches.
These are some of the things I have done.
Acted in a play
Arranged a marriage
Assembled furniture
Assigned duties
Assumed responsibility
Bailed out a canoe
Baled cotton
Built a box
Built a bridge
Built a house
Built a log hut
Built a robot
Buried a cat
Bushhogged a field
Camped in the woods
Cast out demons
Changed a tire
Changed an engine
Chopped down a tree
Climbed a building
Climbed a mountain
Climbed a tree
Cut a car in half with a hammer and chisel
Danced in church
Deciphered a code
Demolished a house
Designed a house
Developed a subdivision
Diagrammed a sentence
Differentiated an equation
Directed singing
Drew a 3-d model
Drove a forklift
Drove a tractor
Drove a truck
Dug a ditch
Edited a newsletter
Erected a steel structure
Executed a will
Fathered a child
Filtered a precipitant
Fired a gun
Flew in an airplane
Followed a compass
Forded a river
Forged a chain
Formed sheet metal
Glazed a window
Had a yard sale
Hand scraped a babbit bearing
Hand scraped lathe ways
Held 5 aces
Hiked 20 miles
Hung a door
Hung a picture
Invented a tool
Jumped off of a roof
Jumped in the deep end (and sank)
Killed a snake
Left the country
Loved a woman
Made a shirt
Made lamps out of old bottles
Managed a project
Manufactured explosives
Mixed concrete
Mowed a lawn
Opened an umbrella in the house
Operated a Bobcat
Ordered lunch
Painted a car
Painted a painting
Planted a tree
Played a tambourine
Played with matches
Plumbed a house
Poured grout
Preached a sermon
Programmed PLCs
Programmed VCRs
Pulled a trailer
Ran a lathe
Ran a milling machine
Ran a race
Ran with scissors
Rebuilt an engine
Replaced a front clip
Rode a mule
Rode a train
Roofed a house
Sang in church
Saw Rock City
Set anchor bolts
Sold something on eBay
Soldered a wire
Solved a riddle
Spliced a rope
Split logs
Taught a class
Threaded pipe
Tiled a floor
Titrated a solution
Tore down a barn
Towed a car
Typeset a book
Walked home in the snow
Walked under a ladder
Welded a pressure vessel
Went on a mission trip
Wired a house
Wired machinery
Won a science fair
Wrote a book
Wrote a song
Thursday, September 3, 2009
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