Monday, September 21, 2009
The Reincarnation Of Cats
If a cat ever came back as a dog, it would immediately hang itself nine times!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
How Many Ways to Die Hard?
I have come up with 15. How can there be 15?
1. There was Die Hard (1988) that started it all.
2. Die Hard 2.
3. Die Hard Singing (Hudson Hawk).
4. Die Hard in the ‘Hood (The Last Boy Scout).
5. Die Hard and Wet (Striking Distance).
6. Die Hard in Group (alternate title: Die Hard and Horny) (Color of Night).
7. Everybody Dies Hard (Pulp Fiction).
8. Die Hard: With a Vengence.
9. Die Hard in the Desert (Last Man Standing).
10. Die Hard in Space (The Fifth Element).
11. Die Hard on an Asteroid (Armageddon).
12. Can’t Hardly Die Hard (Unbreakable)
13. Retire or Die Hard (Hostage).
14. Live Free or Die Hard.
15. Virtually Die Hard (Surrogates).
I’m sure I missed several since most of them had alternate titles. These are just the ones I’ve seen. I don’t think guest spots on Friends or Ally McBeal count although many would argue that Moonlighting definitely counts (alternate title: Die Hard by Slow Torture).
I will add more to this list as they are discovered.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Know Yourself!
A Man has got to know his limitations - Clint Eastwood, Magnum Force.
As Harry Callahan demonstrated repeatedly throughout this movie, knowing who you are and what you are is critical to the way you live your life. You should take every opportunity to find out who you are, what your skills and limits are, and what your calling in life is.
In areas where I am not a recognized expert, I frequently give the impression of arrogance or overconfidence, when in fact I am often insecure and cautious. In everything that I do, I give the impression of great intelligence, skill, and speed - only because my struggles and deficiencies are all internal.
In many ways, I know exactly who I am. I know my calling. I know my personal purpose. I know my skills. I know my personality type. I know my physical limitations. People who know me have the impression that I can do anything. Because I know my limitations, I can work right up to the edge of those limitations.
People who do not know their limitations are usually afraid to get close to their limits. The average uninformed, unselfaware (I just made that word up) person probably works to about 50% of capacity. I know exactly where my limits are. I can work right up to those limits. Even in an area where I am only average, that means I look twice as good, right?
Know yourself!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
It’s Complicated
She just told me to get good grades
So I wouldn’t have to dig ditches.
These are some of the things I have done.
Acted in a play
Arranged a marriage
Assembled furniture
Assigned duties
Assumed responsibility
Bailed out a canoe
Baled cotton
Built a box
Built a bridge
Built a house
Built a log hut
Built a robot
Buried a cat
Bushhogged a field
Camped in the woods
Cast out demons
Changed a tire
Changed an engine
Chopped down a tree
Climbed a building
Climbed a mountain
Climbed a tree
Cut a car in half with a hammer and chisel
Danced in church
Deciphered a code
Demolished a house
Designed a house
Developed a subdivision
Diagrammed a sentence
Differentiated an equation
Directed singing
Drew a 3-d model
Drove a forklift
Drove a tractor
Drove a truck
Dug a ditch
Edited a newsletter
Erected a steel structure
Executed a will
Fathered a child
Filtered a precipitant
Fired a gun
Flew in an airplane
Followed a compass
Forded a river
Forged a chain
Formed sheet metal
Glazed a window
Had a yard sale
Hand scraped a babbit bearing
Hand scraped lathe ways
Held 5 aces
Hiked 20 miles
Hung a door
Hung a picture
Invented a tool
Jumped off of a roof
Jumped in the deep end (and sank)
Killed a snake
Left the country
Loved a woman
Made a shirt
Made lamps out of old bottles
Managed a project
Manufactured explosives
Mixed concrete
Mowed a lawn
Opened an umbrella in the house
Operated a Bobcat
Ordered lunch
Painted a car
Painted a painting
Planted a tree
Played a tambourine
Played with matches
Plumbed a house
Poured grout
Preached a sermon
Programmed PLCs
Programmed VCRs
Pulled a trailer
Ran a lathe
Ran a milling machine
Ran a race
Ran with scissors
Rebuilt an engine
Replaced a front clip
Rode a mule
Rode a train
Roofed a house
Sang in church
Saw Rock City
Set anchor bolts
Sold something on eBay
Soldered a wire
Solved a riddle
Spliced a rope
Split logs
Taught a class
Threaded pipe
Tiled a floor
Titrated a solution
Tore down a barn
Towed a car
Typeset a book
Walked home in the snow
Walked under a ladder
Welded a pressure vessel
Went on a mission trip
Wired a house
Wired machinery
Won a science fair
Wrote a book
Wrote a song