Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Carrying Burdens Lightly

Even though Jesus's burden was the sin and salvation of the whole world, He said "my yoke is easy and my burden is light."  We have a lot of heavy responsibilities in today's chaotic world, but we need to be able to carry them lightly.  (Much easier said than done.)

One aspect of carrying burdens lightly is the ability to find humor in the midst of difficulty.  In a painful, embarrassing, or stressful situation, I have always said, "you can laugh or you can cry," - meaning that you will do one or the other.  But I just realized that there is a third alternative...  You can bring an AK47 to work for show and tell and let everyone know how you really feel!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Charactistic of a Miracle

A miracle does not violate the laws of physics.  Not unlike the incredible accomplishment of a quarter of a million pounds of aluminum 757 flying through the air, a miracle just uses the laws of physics in surprising or unexpected ways.

Just because we can't explain it, doesn't mean it is a miracle.  Just because we can explain it, doesn't mean it isn't a miracle.
A miracle requires the convergence of forces in a configuration that they would not normally assume.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Half Full or Half Empty?

The optimist says “the glass is half full.”
The pessimist say “the glass is half empty.”
The engineer says “the glass was conservatively specified to have a service factor of two to one.”